dijous, 6 de març del 2008


Worksheet 3

The objective of this exercices is mesure the street width of Casp, Pau Claris and Gran Via .The procedure of this exercice is this:

1-Mesure the steps of the students

2-Work out the total steps of the childrens

3-Do theall the results

First of all we mesure

Know we explain the results:

We can see that Gran Via is the biggest street because is a main street with a lot of traffic.

The Pau Claris is the segon stree more biggest, and Casp is the last.

dilluns, 3 de març del 2008

Natural Landscape

Good afternoon.Look at this photography of a Natural Landscape, it's beautifull no...? In the Natural Landscape don't have cars and not contamination. All the pepole power to breathe the air, it's very pleasant.
At the moment the Natural Landscape it's good, not destroyed them pleased.

Urban Landscape

Good afternoon. This is a photography of a Urban Landscape. In the Urban Landscape,
live a lot of a pepole; this pepole all the time see a lot of cars, pepole...In the city have a lot of shops and a lot of contamination. The pepole wich live in the city don't have care wich the world and the enviroment, only some pepole.I warning to you wich you have cure of the world, please.